Step 1: Dream
Central to DreamDay is the Dream Declaration. On August 24th carve out five to ten minutes out of your day to create a dream declaration. Focus on a dream, a goal, a desire and think of three actions you could take to make this dream real.
Step 2: Declare
Use the Dream Declaration we will provide for you on August 24th to declare your dream! (print or download and fill out online)
Step 3: Share
Once you’ve completed your Dream Declaration, snap a picture of yourself with it or simply take a white piece of paper and write “My Dream Is…” and write a statement that reflects what you want in life.
Share it on facebook, instagram, or pinterest and get at least one other person to do the same.
Head over to our friends at crowdit to get the funding you deserve.
***DOCUMENTATION: Tweet about it using the hashtags #DreamDay2013