Home > Team > Rev. Joy Shuliana Sophia Sharanam- World Dream Ambassador
Rev. Joy Shuliana Sophia Sharanam- World Dream Ambassador

World Dream Day is excited to announce Rev. Joy Shuliana Sophia Sharanam as World Dream Day Ambassador.

Join Rev. Joy and countless others for Dream World Day on Sept. 25th.

Let’s celebrate the power of ideas, goals, and dreams to make a difference!



About Rev. Joy Shuliana

Studied Shamanism under Hank Wessleman, an Author and International Shaman. I learned Healing by working with animals, nature, and ancestral Spirit Guides. Also learned “Soul Retrieval” as a part of that, which is retrieving lost soul fragments that fracture off and leave us when we go thru trauma or hardships or addictions or any sense of “loss”.

*Ministerial Ordination, in Metaphysical Studies, from the University of Sedona. This means I can Marry, do Funerals, Give Counseling, teach Meditation, and hold New Thought Christianity Church Services (which combines having a Personal Mystical Relationship with God, putting on The Mind of Christ, with Metaphysical Science and Psychology. Affirmations are a Huge part of this Way of Thinking)

*Certified Master Instructor in Integrated Energy Therapy©. I can do individual healing sessions, working with Angelic energies, “getting the issues out of the tissues” of the body, which tends to hold onto all kinds of stuck energy. This is similar in some ways to Reiki. I also offer classes in Healing with the Angels and Steps to Transformation.

*Certified Master Instructor of Usui Reiki and Karuna© Reiki. Energy Healing, working with Divine Consciousness/Universal Energy to facilitate healing on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

*Certified Instructor of “The Masters Way” © program, which is three courses of Metaphysical/Spiritual Study, for the Soul’s Growth, assisting in the Path towards Ascension, assisting in releasing karma, providing Guidance and Activations from the 33 Ascended Masters. These courses are each a year-long and include Activations and Tools from Ascended Masters, journaling, and intense Self Reflection. Course work Channeled by In’easa Mabu Ishtar. Her website is ishtarmasterchannel.com

“A Medicine Woman is not she who has never suffered, she who has never been broken. A Medicine Woman is she who does not uphold the denial of the world, but is a conduit for the Mystery of Beyond” – Lucy H. Pearce


Website: https://radiantheartgeomythicsouljourneys.com/