“My dream is to take a beginner gymnast and train her to be a top level gymnast.”
1. What’s one dream that you have that you would like to see fulfilled?
I dream to help take a beginner gymnast and train her to become a successful high level gymnast at a college or national team level.
2. What will it take for this dream to come to life?
Dedication and commitment from me, dedication and commitment from the athletes parents, and dedication and commitment from the athlete.. And a little bit of luck.
3. Why do you think it’s important for people around the world to declare their dreams and take action?
That’s the way anything gets done. You dream it, you live it. It took dreams to get from where we were to where we are today.
4. What’s one dream that could positively impact the world? The dream of everyone treating each other with respect.
5. How will you celebrate World Dream Day this year? I love the concept. I will think of something to get my gymnasts involved.